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Supported Assessments under Sensitive Claims
Step 1: Information about the Process

Thank you for looking at an Assessment with me - Dr Kumari Valentine.


Here is a  10 minute video that I made about the assessment process and what is involved. I orimarily made this for reassurance, because many people are worried about what the assessment involves. 


I've made the following form (Step 2) to gather information that will be needed for the supported assessment report. You are welcome to leave out questions if you need to. 

Step 2: Please complete an Assessment Request Form

This form can be completed by a therapist or a client but I strongly encourage that a client is involved because, as a client, this is your information and a report about you.

Assessment Request Form

Thank you so much for your request!

Consent form for an ACC Sensitive Claims Supported Assessment

The purpose of the assessment is to help ACC understand what to cover you for - i.e., what diagnosis or diagnoses are relevant for you at the current time. Diagnoses change over time and with treatment. The assessment looks at how things are for you currently.

The information you provide is confidential but is part of a report to ACC. You will have the opportunity, if you wish, to review the report (by yourself, with your therapist, with me, or with me and your therapist).

All information is kept strictly confidential. I will not be discussing you with your GP, for example, without your permission.

It is, however, compulsory for all clinical psychologists to receive supervision, and I do raise matters in a confidential way with my supervisor.

My reports are typically typed as well, and my typists and administrators are bound by confidentiality as I am, and they are treated as a legal extension of me. I am also using medical software during the assessment that allows me to transcribe the assessments.

( Registrations: I am registered with the NZ Board of Psychologists and am bound by registration guidelines as well as the Health Practitioners Competency Assurance Act. I am a member of the NZ College of Clinical Psychologists.)

Step 3: Book the assessment

There are two appointments to book please.


Could you please book a 30 minute ISSC Phone Call for your client with Kumari (on a MONDAY) or pass on the link so your client can schedule a time that suits them. If client's enter their details, they can opt into a text reminder.  Please put the therapist's name under "staff" member


- Book a 2 hour face to face ACC Assessment ISSC for your client with Kumari (on a WEDNESDAY or a FRIDAY).


If there's a different time when you usually see your client, please let me know and I can see what I can arrange.  I generally find that the structure above works, but each person is an individual and may need a different structure. 

Step 4 - Therapists, please me a copy of the EPR

Could you please send me a copy of your EPR please? I will need it before I talk to your client on the phone and will use the information to understand specific vulnerabilities for your client. Often, because of the information in the EPR, I do not need to ask clients details about the events that happened.  THANK YOU!

022 321 4 123

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